Breakfast, Afterschool and Holiday Club

Little Rainbow Nursery plan and deliver a range of activities to meet the needs of all children.

We welcome children aged up to 8 who attend local schools to our breakfast & After school Club. We provide healthy nutritional and delicious breakfast and teatime options at every session. We also offer physical outdoor activities for children to support the wellbeing of each individual child’s physical development in the club.

Our Breakfast club opens at 7.30 am each morning, although drop off can be up until 8.15 am. Children are offered breakfast from our healthy menu and can engage in freely chosen activities such as crafts, role play, board/card games, sensory play or reading in our cosy corner.

The atmosphere is relaxed with music of the children’s choice playing in the background.

Our qualified staff escort all children across to the school in a safe and organised manner.

All children attending our After-school provision are met in the school entrance by our qualified practitioners, registered and then escorted to the nursery ensuring safety as a priority.

We offer a parent pick-up time. A varied snack is provided for all children upon arrival.