Our Ethos
Our Vision
All children have the right to the highest quality care and education whatever their gender, ethnicity, religion, or ability. Little Rainbow Nursery recognises the right of each child including those with inclusive needs.
Our primary goal is to maintain a calm and caring environment that supports the development of good social skills, grace and courtesy which in turn gives rise to an atmosphere that, is conducive to learning.
Our Values
Little Rainbow Nursery’s values are the key elements that we value highly and place emphasis on.
Nurture – showing kindness, using good manners and being honest and sincere.
Wonder – exploring ideas, being involved, always learning and aiming high, working independently.
Innovation – welcoming new challenges, being imaginative, testing ourselves and those around us.
Partnership and Care – being reflective and learning from parents as collaborators and developing strong nurturing relationships.
Commitment to Excellence – developing skills for learning, life and work, celebrating each other successes, promoting a culture of tolerance, inclusion, diversity and equality.